Feature in NY Arts Magazine by Marsha Owett


Marsha Owett: “Landscapes Inches Away” Opens at MUSECPMI 

"I am drawn to the randomness of nature that masquerades as abstraction. As opposed to my paintings, where I must do the abstracting myself, in photography I am nature's curator. I do not disturb or rearrange what I photograph. I photograph still life in its truest form— life, still and undisturbed.

The series “Landscapes Inches Away” consists of photographs taken along the shoreline of Shimoda Prefecture, Japan. It represents my first immersion into capturing nature, specifically beaches and shore areas, and representing them as abstract works. I did the study in the fall of 2006 over a concentrated two-day period. Each shot became more compelling than the last. Inspired by the great landscape photography, but not feeling compelled to replicate it, I found instead the beauty of great landscapes, not in miles, but in inches. And like great landscapes viewed in full breadth, I discovered that the micro was different, but no less fascinating than the macro. The Shimoda series thus started my exploration into landscapes up close."​
